Kim Yoo Jung started filming for SBS ‘Secret Door’ on 30th July, met Park Myung Soo on 31st.

SBS ‘Secret Door’ had their test shot done on 28th July 2014, and officially started filming on the 29th. Kim Yoo Jung however, started on the 30th at Yongin Folk Village. From news, it is said Kim Yoo Jung seemed pretty nervous at first, but with the guidance of the dedicated director, Kim Hyung Sik,…

Kim Yoo Jung with two uncle fans at Yeo Jin Goo’s Professional Mr. Baek (백프로) VIP Premiere 28.03.2014

Blog Account (Trans by me): There’s a saying 괄목상대(刮目相對)*, these days actress Kim Yoo Jung fits that saying perfectly. Actress Kim Yoo Jung who grows prettier everytime we meet! Took a commemoration photo after the VIP Premiere of movie Professional Mr. Baek at Lotte Cinema Konkuk University lobby entrance! The guy who is beside Kim…

Kim Yoo Jung’s Diary : 21.06.2013

On the Memorial Day ceremony, I snapped a picture with So unni, somehow it came to have the *foreign feel? Until late yesterday, I was shooting and was totally in a wreck mode, got my hair and makeup done and dressed prettily, and went to the Memorial Day event. I received a badge from Ms.…